Thursday, November 24, 2016

Prose Family Thanksgiving 2016 was awesome.  We were at 95% attendance - only missing Stephanie, and Lisa's hostessing did not disappoint.  We were the second to arrive - with only Papa and Grandma beating our time.  Andy is everyone's right hand man in the kitchen, so he was quickly put to work.  I organized the kiddos into some semblance of a game, and then my work was done.  

This year was special, as we were able to share a first.  Lulu's friend, Annie, joined our table and it was her very first Thanksgiving experience.  She loved the stuffing (green jello - not so much), and was impressed with the sheer number of dishes to pass.  The meal was as traditional as you could get - so Annie got the full experience - including football playing in the background, and apple and pumpkin pie for dessert.

 (these two, planning a bathroom remodel could be trouble...)

We have so much to be thankful for, and this full table is on the top of my list. 

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