Thursday, March 31, 2022

Yep. 100%. And, I couldn't be more proud.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

It's officially Spring Sport Season! While that has actually meant nothing for the Prose household, until now! Harper has decided to join the golf team. Of course, everyone was very supportive of this decision. She will have so much fun on the course, practicing her swing on the soft green grass, hanging out with her friends in the clubhouse, and striving for the elusive hole-in-one. We picked up some clubs, and the proper attire. We have the shoes and a glove and tees. 
Now, we just need the weather to cooperate for more than 12 hours.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Just in case FaceBook doesn't remind me of this story every year for the rest of my life - I'm going to put this right here. 
And, if for some reason I ever forget - here are brief facts. The "I" in this statement is actually my one and only bestie, Terrin. The pond that is referenced is located in her former Nakomis neighborhood dwelling's backyard. And, we had to take a taxi. 🤣 IYKYK


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

There are some folks in our community who seems to have an issue with little stickers. Of course, your favorite activist felt it necessary to create a message to share. Thousands of views later, the discussion is continuing. Kids these days - just wanting everyone to feel safe and loved. How can anyone argue with that?


Friday, March 18, 2022

Here we go again...
Yes, we have already successfully put together this puzzle. Yes, we are doing it again. And, yes, we have big plans for it when it is finally complete.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Every year I think, "Are they too old for this?". And, while the answer is probably "Yes.". Honestly, I don't care. So, the Leprechaun left his clues and the hunt began for the 15yo and the 12 yo. 🤞for some good golden candy!


Sunday, March 13, 2022

We went to visit Papa and Grandma - and they are doing great! Most of the late morning was spent watching old home videos, Matt recently had transferred onto a DVD. After giving a brief history of DVDs to B & H - the show began. It was hilarious, and heartwarming, to see the young Prose family celebrating Christmas, and prom and the 4th of July. Eric's dance moves haven't changed much. 🤣 

