Friday, May 29, 2020

Surround yourself with people who inspire, do good things in the world, can smoke any kind of food, and has solid barber skills.  Our neighbors have always been important to us, but during this time of staying at home, it's even more apparent how vital our village is for everyone's well being.  
Thanks to Dana aka Big D aka Boy - for so much more than the haircut.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Due to the Covid19 Pandemic (which is how we have been beginning several sentences) Harper Prose's 4th Grade Graduation was canceled.  While this was very sad, Bennett had a plan.  He prepared a very special graduation ceremony for his one and only sister.  Complete with a robe, podium, speech, diploma and the proudest audience of two.  Harps, you are a-maz-ing.  You completed elementary school in a way that no one could have anticipated.  You worked so hard, you are a great reader, and so so good at math.  You ask questions, and have countless "I wonders"...  
I can't wait to be in the same building as you next year (🤞)!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Last day of school celebration with WOOD FIRE Wednesday!  AP stoked the oven, B prepped the dough, and H and I loaded the pizza with various toppings.  We ended up making 13 pizzas, and delivering (no contact, of course) to our neighbors.  Yummy!

Last Day of School!!  Let's say it louder for those in the back, "LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" We did it - even though some days we were not quite sure if it was possible.  Harper wrapped up her year with a class google meet and receiving the M&M Award for being well rounded, marvelous and magnificent.  Bennett finished with a few google meets, and a big smile of relief.  They were both done with school by 9am. 😂I met with my class, and we celebrated virtually - with promises to see each other soon and come visit in the fall.
The end of every year is bittersweet - but, obviously, this one is different level of bitter & sweet.  I am so proud of my students and parents.  They took on an unbelievable task in a limited amount of time.  They showed perseverance, and grit.  I am also proud of my colleagues.  In a matter of days, with limited resources and training, we managed to completely reinvent the educational system.  Was it perfect?  Not even close - but we did our best, and now is the moment to close this computer and bring on summertime!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Packed up the final pieces of Room 75 today...  It was sad, as that classroom will never be filled with 3rd graders again, and was left so unexpectedly.  But, we are almost done with Distance Learning, and it has been an incredible challenge.  However, a bigger challenge might be storing this truckload of furniture in the garage without AP noticing. 😆

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"Mom, I'll just put these in the mask drawer."
This is definitely a statement I never thought I would hear, not to mention a drawer I never conceived of having.  But, yet I have both.  We now have a designated mask drawer - that is just that - a drawer for our masks.  Before AP or I leave the house, the kids ask "Do you have your mask?"   When the kids leave (which is never), they too, bring a mask.  
Sometimes we get funny looks, sometimes we get gratitude from employees, there has even been a time or two when I have gotten reprimanded for wearing a mask.  We will continue to #maskup - for our neighbors and ourselves - and hope others follow suit so we can get back to normal, please.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

When you haven't seen your parents since December, yet they somehow know.  This Distance Learning is hard.💗I have rockstar parents.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

When I was a little girl, often times we would have ice cream before bed.  We always had New York Vanilla - which is way better than regular vanilla.  Don't let anyone tell you different.  My dad would scoop the ice cream into the little orange and white striped plastic bowl, and I would look up at him with pleading eyes.  Pretty sure I didn't have to say anything, he would just take my bowl, and mix it up to the perfect consistency.  Not too clumpy, nor too runny.

Never have I ever told Harper this story, yet every time we have ice cream, she gives me this look.  And I take her bowl, and mix it up.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Masks are becoming more and more common, even mandatory in some stores.  (While there is a debate on this topic, we will leave that for another post - because we believe in masks.) You know you are loved, when someone takes the time to make multiple masks for each member of your family - including personalized mustaches and a handwritten note.  Thank you, Linda (T's mama) for the incredibly thoughtful package.  We love you, and your crew.  