Saturday, May 31, 2014

Bennett has officially entered the social scene.  That kid has more birthday parties to attend, than I thought humanly possible.  Literally, he came home with an invitation every day last week.  He said, "Mom, I'm so popular!!!" to which I replied, "You must be a really good friend." 

Anyway, with the boy being scheduled, that left the rest of us to hang out for the day, and Saturday's project was getting rid of all the dead bushes in our front yard.  Oddly, they all died this frigid winter...   So we headed to the depot for replacement plants.

 H fell asleep promptly at `12:30, and as she rested, Andy began prepping his master plan for the bush removal.  He kept yelling at me to "STAND BACK!!!!" because, apparently, the tow straps could kill me.  Then, he told me to go make some lunch. 
 I'm a really good lunch maker.

 Here's my favorite combo - the before and after.   Those ginormous balls of dead roots were hEaVy!!  It took all our strength to heave them into the back of the truck, but it was definitely worth it.  Now, for some more flowers and pots.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memoryial Day

The kids and I went home for Memorial Day weekend.  Home to the farmstead, then home to Rose Lake.  It's hard to describe, and I'm not sure I'm even ready to write about it, but I said my goodbye to the farm, and made sure to have my kids got to do all the fun things I remember doing growing up.

We ran around and practiced Parkour, We climbed the old thrashing machine, and visited the ponies.

 We rode the 3-wheeler, with one kid on the back and no helmets, and we rolled down the "big ditch" hill.  Harper explained to us that is what you do when you get fired, "stop, drop and roll".

We played basketball, and Dad won.
 We visited The Great Ones, in their respective Homes.
 And, we packed up....

 And I told the boy some stories, about running to the burning barrel, and climbing the rock garden, and how important the land is to family.

Then we drove home to Rose Lake.  This place is so awesome, and will be even better when the furniture arrives!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Bennett went on a bike ride and ended up at a garage sale. He spent his $3 on a CD holder for his teacher, a stuffed monkey for his sister, and a 50 states and capitals puzzles for his mama.❤

It was one of those nights when I sat and looked at this little family we created, and thought about how incredibly lucky I am.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

This long, horrible winter, the Statsick and Prose families decided that when - IF - summer ever arrived we would need a pool.  There were several discussions about brand, and many reviews read, but a purchase was made.  The conditions were the pool would be in Rick's yard, and he would be the Poolboy.  I would be the Lifeguard.  It's a pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

The pool arrived, and on the first nice Sunday that Andy had off, it was erected.  The instructional video (that Rick watched, not Andy, of course) stated that it would take two people three hours to complete the pool.  It took Andy about 90 minutes!

 Super great neighbors is one of the many perks of living in suburbia.  Dennis/Crystal and Scott/Laura pulled their garden hoses over and helped us fill the 14,000 gallon tanker.  What we thought would be a 12-14 hour job turned into 5 hours. 

 After all the hard work, it was time for drinks on the deck!  Seriously, this pool is enormous, but I'm pretty sure the grins on the kids' faces were even bigger.  They are so excited!! And, I think the adults are, too.

 But, sweet little Lo, I think you may need to stick to the little kid pool for this summer.