Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lola came to play today!! Hip hip hooray!!

I absolutely love watching these two interact. Lola is the funniest weeble wobble, and Harper loves doting after her. As usual, I can't help but imagine the trouble these clowns will get in, as their mothers do projects.

Like Saturday's project of making mead. 
No clue? Yeah, I didn't either, until I tasted the delicious honey wine from a CO meadery. Which, of course, let to T's automatic response of "we can make that", and the research began, and the supplies purchased. 
Check back in 3-6 months, and watch for us at local art festivals. Hmmmm....

Friday, January 30, 2015

The big day finally arrived. Harper had her  well child check, that included the dreaded kindergarten shots. We have been talking about it all week, and little Harper was scared. Bennett did his best to comfort her, and we did our best to bribe her.
H sailed through the vision and hearing portion, saying as little as possible, yet still passing the tests. She sat on my lap the entire time, but did not cry. (V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!!)

Then, came the checkup with Doctor Denise.
No tears! Until shot time, but that was expected.  H only needed two shots, which was incredibly better than when Bennett had his 6 injections. Harper is healthy as a little peanut - has all the necessary paperwork for kindergarten - and a new Elsa doll and a tummy full of frozen yogurt.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

4:25am - Daddio finally gets out of bed, after a very restless night tossing and turning and dreaming of water heater installs.  He starts to run a warm(ish) tub.

4: 48am - Benito runs up the stairs, dressed and ready because he just HAS to get to started on his spelling practice, daily reading, guitar plucking and chores - and he is already late - maybe.  What time is it??

5:03am - Mama firmly plants one foot on the ground, then the other - fully intending for a positive day beginning with her "thank yous" to the universe.

5:25am - Harps strolls into the bathroom, dressed in her undies, dragging her blanket behind.  She looks at Mama and slowly smiles, "It's just going to be the best day, Mommy.  I am so happy and I just can't quit smiling.  AND, I just woke up!!"

Yep, that's how we roll.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An average Wednesday night: come home, read and discuss with the boy, practice letters and sounds with the girl, bribe them both to take a bath/shower, get supper started and running pants on. Upon the arrival of Daddio, I hit the treadmill, and 20 minutes into my run, was interrupted by the ticket holder for
the silliest pirate puppet show ever. Not much for plot, but the after show music and dance was exquisite.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Daddy busted out his super (glue) cape and fixed her headband. (insert heart emoji)
Much better Tuesday for everyone, including the little Gnomeo.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Prose Family all awoke with a case of the Mondays. Everyone was a bit short tempered, and there was even a a stomp or two heard on the wood floor (by the mister - so no time out required). Trying to remedy this disease, we ate pizza in the family room, watching Kid Master Chef. I even turned a "no dessert night" into a "yes dessert night".

Hmmmm.... I thought we were healing...
Until Harper snapped her "most favorite of all time, I just love it so so much and will never have one as pretty as this very one" headband. 

Thank goodness tomorrow is Tuesday, and it's daddy's turn for bedtime.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

After picking up the Littles from Grampy, the boys packed up their gear and portable and hit the ice. They have to practice for the big tournament in a few weeks - and he thinks they're just fishing...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beaver Island Brewery VIP style:
Best in show for the boys, first time out! Whoop whoop! Can't wait for the free beaver swag!

Friday, January 23, 2015

With the kids away, mom and dad will...
price out water heaters. Fortunately, that didn't take all night, and we were able to pretend like we were in college, for a bit. 
The differences - we definitely don't have to worry about getting carded and we were home and sleeping by 9pm. Yes, I said 9pm.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

When you can't think of anything nice to say, no reply is the best response.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Harper asked if her 100%bestestfriendinthewholewideworld could come over for a sleepover (the friend being Kenzie Cutie from Ms. Kelli's). I said, "Sure, when you're in kindergarten. You have to go to big girl school for sleepovers." and then waited...

Harper stuck her hand out and shouted, "OK - DEAL!!!"

Well, that was easy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Driving into town this evening, Bennett said, "hey, mom, we should buy that building right across the river."
"We should make it a coffee shop, with great coffee and smoothies and food. Like sandwiches and stuff. And chips."

"Hmmmm... That's a great idea. I'd love love a coffee shop we could walk to, right by the river!" I responded.

"Yeah. And we can name it "Buy the Dam Coffee." The boy said, nonchalantly.

To which, I almost spit out my 3 hour old coffee, sputtering "What???"!

"Well, it's right by the dam, mom."

"Ummm. Yeah. Yeah, I guess it is."

Witty like mom? Business savvy like dad? Sense of humor like Ricky? Either way, it's a brilliantly, hilarious idea. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Harper was doing her homework afterschool, when this dissertation began:
Mama, I'm the smartest girl at school and at this house. (Which is different from her usual "I am the prettiest girl".) I am so smart. Here is everything I know. 
1. Monsters are not real.
2. Bats are maybe real.
3. Humans with no eyeballs are not real.
4. Owls are actually real.
5. Pink is the bestest color eVeR.

Yep, she's totally ready for kindergarten.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Today consisted of some special individual time with the ninga and the gnome. The mister had to work, so H and I dropped B off at bday party #2 and headed to the grocery.  We skipped into the store and she chatted away about princesses. She told a woman in the cereal aisle "this is the best day ever!!"

Later that afternoon, the ninja and I went on a walk. He chatted away about origami and science experiments he wants to attempt.  We found a rock and kicked it all the way home, and even did some shadow dancing.
He grabbed my hand on the final block, and said "this is the best day ever."

Pretty easy to please, those two, and I'll take it.

The morning began with aligning of the cosmos. Or something weird like that. The kids were in their respective rooms, picking up shop, when suddenly H screamed - like a painful, terrifying scream. I RAN up those stairs, three at a time, so many visions in my head (mainly of the ceiling fan crashing down and trapping the little Gnome). Flinging open the door, I found Harps standing at the foot of her bed, screaming, crying and trembling. I couldn't scoop her up fast enough.

As I did, my phone began to blow up with calls and text alerts and messages. I ignored them all, as I tried to figure out what happened. It took a bit for her breathing to calm, and finally she was able to tell me that she saw something and heard a noise and was just too scary. Neither could be explained. Weird, I thought, but possible...

Then, I got to my phone. Texts and calls from T. As I listened to her emotional message, I got chills, and called her back. T was checking in, she got some weird (bad? peculiar?) vibes that something was wrong - in particular with Harper - right as Harper was seeing/hearing the too scariness. Like the exact same time. More weird and less possible...

So, the moral I take is this: some things are not explainable, some things are just too weird to untangle, and energy is connecting us all. And, while it was a little scary and a little more curious, it made me smile, and feel very safe, knowing that my bestie and my babe are obviously closely connected by the cosmos.