Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Back to school night for SMS - and once again, the locker is the most stressful part of the transition. 

You can do it, H. I believe in you.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Matt and I can be quite convincing, but this just might be some our best work. We were able to persuade Terrin (and a few other nay-sayers), to go reinstate our State Fair adventures. Not just 1 day, but TWO. And, ON HER BIRTHDAY! Either she is getting soft, or she just loves us that much. Regardless, PROJACs unite!!

It was good to see you again, 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

It's that time already! The annual school shopping adventures with Grammy! They are getting taller, and their color choices much more bland - but the experience continues to be some of our favorite days of the year!

The above pictures are from the secret photo session, that was shot while Mom and I were out shopping. Harper and Bennett are so old now, they won't put on a show for us, but will definitely use their devices to document the occasion.


 Just taking the top down for a little driving practice. This kid is so extra. But, have I told you how much I love he can drive?? Even though it feels quite weird sitting in the backseat.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Eight years and over $12,000 - and he has just begun.


The lemonade stand has been officially packed up! “Thank you” doesn’t even seem adequate. Every single year, our family, friends and community - near and far - show up and support causes that are so dear to Bennett. It matters. You matter. 💛you. Thank you.
Bennett will continue his fundraising, just in different aspects. You will hear from him soon!


Wednesday, August 10, 2022


🍋 🚨Lemonade alert!! 🍋🚨It’s time to officially announce Bennett’s final lemonade stand hours. Once again, Bennett will be selling the most delicious lemonade. 💯 percent of the proceeds will be donated to SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education), and supporting local mental health initiatives in our community.
Tomorrow - if you’re around Morning ⭐️, stop on by! There will also be opportunities to donate online.
Thursday: 11ish am - 4ish pm
Friday: Weather permitting
Saturday: 11ish am - 4ish pm

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

This beautiful project is done. 
It is a story of determination, and research, and trying something new. 
It is asking for help, and making mistakes. 
It is patience, and hard work, and love, and beauty. 
It will soon be on the water.

And, I can't wait to finally be able to park a car in our 3 car garage. 🤣

Monday, August 8, 2022

My favorite student teacher gave me this 500 piece puzzle on the her last day of school - which was in May. I (we) FINALLY finished it! This incredibly awesome, and difficult, puzzle sat under a blanket on our dining room table for months. It was a group effort, with several evenings and plenty of neighborhood aid. It will be a wonderful addition to my classroom!


Saturday, August 6, 2022

I love that after 17 years, I still learn something new about you on the daily. #cheersto17years

