Monday, April 27, 2020


Sunday, April 26, 2020

 Just because we are not going anywhere, does not mean that our hair shouldn't be on point.
#nailedit #quarantinecuts

Saturday, April 25, 2020

In January, Bennett and his CC friends decided they wanted to train for the Earth Day 1/2 Marathon.  They devised a training plan, and schedule, to prepare for the April 24th race.  Then, well you know what happened - and obviously, the race was postponed - and even more obviously, that was not stopping the boy.  This kid has got some grit, and determination, and drive.  And, he can run.

 (Bennett had a super supportive social distancing cheering section.  I love our neighbors so much.)
 (The below sign is a reference to a TV show - The Office.  Don't worry, I don't' get it either...)

 Check out that time.  First in his age group! 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Here's our Distance Learning plan from Pine Meadow Elementary.  Teachers plan 2 weeks of learning, and make instructional videos for each lesson (for each class).  We create packets, with the necessary worksheets and individualized learning materials for each student.  Then, the driveby begins - as we have Packet Pick Up from 3-6pm.  (And, interestingly enough, just like every other school event - if it starts at 3pm, we have parents lining up at 2:20pm, to get a good spot in line...)

One set of teachers collect the old packets, and the other set of teachers distribute the new ones.  It's quick, slick and a great opportunity to see some of my favorite smiling faces - in person!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My students are really good at submitting assignments digitally.  They watch the instructional video, complete the worksheet, snap a picture and send it to me.  And, sometimes they share personal information - like the household happy hour beverage.😂🍸

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

 When we bought the couch, it was this pillow that drew my attention.  I remember saying, "I love to stay home! Does the pillow come with the sofa??"  I was so excited for this pillow!! Little did I know how much we would be staying home...  but, even though it's been weeks, and we miss our friends, and school and "regular"  business, there really is just so much good to be found.    And, when we start feeling sad, we just remind ourselves of this growing grateful list.

The quarantine memes make me laugh so much, but this one has to be my fave.  

Sunday, April 12, 2020

This marks our first "real" holiday during the Stay at Home order.  
"Are we going to Papa and Grandma's?" they asked, knowing the answer.  "No, I'm sorry."  
"Are we going to Grammy and Grampy's?" they ask, knowing the answer.  "No." We respond.
They can tell we are sad, too.  They know, and they look quickly at each other and say, "Hey!  Let's just stay home, we've never done that before.  It will be fun, we can dye eggs and watch a movie!"

We wanted to travel, and see our Grandparents, hunt for eggs with our cousins, and be engulfed in hugs.  But, instead we stayed home, found our baskets from the bunny, waved to our neighbors from afar, stocked the candy drawer, played Mario, and had pizza - because that's what we do on Sundays at home.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Highlights from home on this April 9th.  
It's snowing.😕
 An unexpected delivery from Bennett's CC coach.🙏💪
 And, this is something that I never thought I would see.  The kids, sewing masks - you know, just in case they leave the house.🙅
