Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Quarantine Chronicles - April 7
The students at the 1407 School feel quite successful with Distance Learning.  They are responsible problem solvers.  Bennett begins his day around 6:15am, and is usually done by 10am - with a final afternoon checkout at 1:30pm.  Harper begins at 8am, and is done by 10:30am, checking in with her teacher as necessary.

The teacher at the 1407 School doesn't feel as successful.  I can't really sleep, and I am usually at my computer by 5:30am.  I check to my emails and messaging to see if anyone needed anything during the night.  I make sure my videos are uploaded correctly and my assignment are attached.  I review the lessons for the day.  I digitally provide feedback to individual students, until I can begin checking in with kids.  My first one arrives around 7:05am each day, and for the next 12ish hours, they bop in and out.  And, it's important that they know I am here - although at a distance - I am here for each one of them.

It's hard - and it's not because I have to make videos, attach worksheets and grade papers.  It's hard because I have lost the ability to connect.  My teaching philosophy has always been "connect with every kid, every day" and today it remains the same.  However, the connecting piece is very different.  In our classroom, I have 27 students, and it takes me about 8 seconds to determine who needs what in order to learn.   You need breakfast, you need a hug, you have something so exciting to tell me that you can't do anything else until you share your big news.  You are sad, and you are confused, and you definitely forgot to do your homework.  You got a new shirt, you can't find your pencil, you got a haircut, and you have toys shoved in your pocket.  You spent the weekend at Dad's house.  You finished your book, and have to tell me how it ended. You have a joke, and you need a bandaid for your invisible cut.  And you, well you just need a smile from across the room.

The distance takes this ongoing, ever changing assessment away from me.  And requires a major adjustment to my instruction - because any good teacher knows learning has nothing to do with the lessons you teach, but everything to do with the connections you make.

Here's what I know.  I know we have to stay at home.  I know I have to connect with my kids.  And, it's my responsibility to determining what that means for each one.  Thankfully, it looks like I will have plenty of time to figure it out. #stayhome #staysafe  #makemovies

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