Friday, January 30, 2015

The big day finally arrived. Harper had her  well child check, that included the dreaded kindergarten shots. We have been talking about it all week, and little Harper was scared. Bennett did his best to comfort her, and we did our best to bribe her.
H sailed through the vision and hearing portion, saying as little as possible, yet still passing the tests. She sat on my lap the entire time, but did not cry. (V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!!)

Then, came the checkup with Doctor Denise.
No tears! Until shot time, but that was expected.  H only needed two shots, which was incredibly better than when Bennett had his 6 injections. Harper is healthy as a little peanut - has all the necessary paperwork for kindergarten - and a new Elsa doll and a tummy full of frozen yogurt.

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