Saturday, November 26, 2016

A multiple level home requires multiple trees, obviously.  So we headed to our favorite tree farm, B&Js Evergreen and (dodging the mud and muck) found the perfect short needle tree.
 The weather was warm, and we were able to spend some time with the animals, H braved another pony ride, and B chatted with the goats.  Both kiddos passed on the opportunity to talk to Santa, but they smiled and waved to the Big Guy in his sleigh.

 After a lunch and nap, the decorateing commenced.  Bennett was selected the hand crafted ornaments, and with each he picked up said "Ohhhh, I remember when I made that.  I was just a kid..." Harper opted for the sparkly and shiny ornaments, and really really want to put on the tinsel first.

 If I had it my way, we would keep the tree up all year long...
Oh - here's the front room tree.  The decorating production was much less dramatic - but it's still quite pretty - even with a zip lining elf.

Friday, November 25, 2016

He's back!!!  Freddie arrived via the USPS - right on time!  Included in the package was a note.  Oi.  Let the fun begin...

Freddie's note said to watch out because he has some new tricks up his elf sleeve.  Can't wait for those...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Prose Family Thanksgiving 2016 was awesome.  We were at 95% attendance - only missing Stephanie, and Lisa's hostessing did not disappoint.  We were the second to arrive - with only Papa and Grandma beating our time.  Andy is everyone's right hand man in the kitchen, so he was quickly put to work.  I organized the kiddos into some semblance of a game, and then my work was done.  

This year was special, as we were able to share a first.  Lulu's friend, Annie, joined our table and it was her very first Thanksgiving experience.  She loved the stuffing (green jello - not so much), and was impressed with the sheer number of dishes to pass.  The meal was as traditional as you could get - so Annie got the full experience - including football playing in the background, and apple and pumpkin pie for dessert.

 (these two, planning a bathroom remodel could be trouble...)

We have so much to be thankful for, and this full table is on the top of my list. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Text from Bbones after school today:

"Hey, Mama!  You've got some big buns!!!!"

Then a quick "j/k, of course"

Yeah, yeah, my buns rose too long.  But they turned into delicious, fluffy mini loaves.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

With the busy fall hunting schedule, Bennett's birthday party was delayed a week.  Remember the toddler boy we told could get a TV when he was 10?  Well, we told that same kid when he was 10 he could have a Best Friend Birthday Party Water Park Adventure!  And, I must say this was one of the best ideas of my life.  We picked up bestie, Andrew and hit up the Brainerd Arrowwood Water Park.  Andrew is just like Bennett - they act the same, they are wicked smart, and they even share the same 4-eyes.  In typical 10 year old man fashion, upon arriving at the park, the boys asked to "rest a bit and watch HGTV" and study for the upcoming geography bee.  No joke.  That being said, I pray nightly these boys will be lifelong friends - as the biggest trouble they will ever get in is having an overdue library book.

The kids had a blast, running - I mean, walking - though the water park, sliding and slipping.  They hit jackpots at the arcade, had endless pizza and 6 sour patch kids, each.  They sang Hamilton lyrics the entire time, and even sketched Ham on their placemats.  It was fun.  I normally wouldn't say a water park was fun, but this time it was just that.  With age come independence - and the ability to swim (responsibility) unattended, so this time the Mister and I were able to sit in our wet suits and enjoy a cocktail.

The boys are already planning next year - they are thinking Vegas, because they heard there's some incredible architecture there.