Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Harper's latest share day is in February.  Her assignment was to interview someone in her family - she (of course) chose her namesake, Nicole.  On our recent Sunday video chat, Harper asked her questions, and Auntie responded in true Auntie style ("Do you want my real age?  You can't tell anyone.  Ok, you can tell your teacher, but that's it." and "My advice to you - share all the good stuff that's in your head with everyone.  Be brave.  Oh, and wear sunscreen.  That's prob the most important one, wear sunscreen!!")  Harper took her job very seriously, and has taken to practicing every single night.
 We sit down, and listen attentively as she recites her questions, and answers.  The only thing that remains is the actual performance - and selecting the perfect picture for the back of her paper.  There are just so many choices!

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