Friday, April 10, 2015

What to wear?  Just what should I to wear?!?!?

This is a constant dilemma in the Prose house for - exactly one - of it's inhabitants. 
How many guesses do you need?  Probably - exactly one.

I have tried all the tricks: laying clothes out before school, organizing outfits for each week, checking the forecast in advance, plan out the hair do and corresponding accessories.  I even asked the internet.  We tried them all, and exactly of none of it, worked.

It is crystal clear that Harper's choice of clothing is very important to her - it may even be considered her number one priority.  She thinks and thinks and changes and layers.  She gets frustrated when we get frustrated, and don't even try to to convince her what may be a better match, or give any input whatsoever.  Then come the  dramatic sighs,  and crocodile tears, and "you just don't understand, maMA.  How come you never UNDERSTAND???" (these words truly come out of her mouth.  she is four. omg, let's just not picture her as fourteen.  just. don't. do. it.)

Here's what I have determined.  It works best to just let it be, and intevene only in the case of a dire emergency. 

So, it was a four day week.  Here she is.  Ms. Harper Nicole Prose.

 For the record, I did not teach her any of her poses.  I blame all that on Barbie.

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