Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day Two of the EdMNRC included the completion of voting on the constitution and bylaws, with minor debate on a few issues concerning retiree contributions and benefits.  The day concluded with a gubernatorial address by public education's bestie, Governor Mark Dayton.

While Mama was away, a few changes occurred.  Tiny greens began to shoot out of our flower garden.  The yard was mowed and thatched - thanks to the Morningstar Neighborhood Thatching Service.  The deceased apple tree was pulled out, disassembled and chopped for firewood.

Three fruit trees where planted in it's memory - two apple and one cherry.  And, Bbones finally lost that nasty tooth that has been hanging in his mouth.  Without me knowing, the tooth fairy arrived, and left him $5.25! 
Wow - that's an impressive loot for one tooth.

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