Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Funday was exhausting for the Prose family (the sun?  the bonfire? the baseball?).  We spent the day at the river, and the kids got to play with their "boy cousins" (as Harper refers to Noah and JD), and the two youngest sons helped Wes and Rita remove some giant trees that had been cut down.  It was hard work, and 70*, so while they chopped and stacked we pretended like it was summer.  The late afternoon arrival in Morningstar, let to an afternoon of playing outside - riding bikes and playing hockey and baseball, and hopscotch.
It was so lovely, and we soaked up the sun.  By 5pm, it was time for tubs for a good scrub, and there was not even a fight to put on pajamas. 
The kiddos were both sleeping before 7pm, and the Mister and I not far behind...

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