Wednesday, March 18, 2015

11:00am - my phone rang.  It was the ORE school nurse, saying that not to worry, Bennett was fine, but she wanted me to know that he had fainted in music class.  He was practicing for his upcoming music concert, crammed up on the risers, and maybe had his knees locked.  Not to worry, just a heads up.  The nurse said he was doing just fine, and she had just dropped him off to Mr. Putz.

11:06am - my phone rang.  Andy wanted to know if I had talked to the nurse, and knew what had happened.  Yep, all good.

11:14am - my phone rang.  Nurse Ginny calling back, as Bennett had started throwing up, and after talking to the music teacher, there was now concern of a concussion, as he hit his head pretty hard.

11:21am - my phone rang.  Yep, Andy.  I am on the road to pick up our son.

I called the school nurse, again.  Bennett had thrown up 2x, and was laying down.  I called our pediatrician.  There was no hesitation in her voice when she instructed, "Pick him up, and bring him to the ER."  The vomiting was concerning, the lack of a bump on his head was concerning. (Bumps on the head are a good sign.  If there is not bump, the swelling could be directed in, toward the brain. Not good.)

I drove over the limit, parked in the fire zone, and ran into that school to get to the boy.  He was laying down, was a tin-y green color, and said, "heeeyy. mommmmy."  Yep, a bit slow on the processing.  In the next few minutes, he threw up two more times, and I thanked Nurse Ginny.  We got in the car and headed to the ER.  He was tired, I knew he shouldn't sleep, so I tried talking to him.  The closer we got the the hospital, the more he talked.  This made me feel better.  Then he said, "You know I was singing 'Puff the Magic Dragon', Mom.  I don't like that song, at all.  That's probably why I fainted." That made me feel incredibly better.

We arrived, and after check in, the doctor said Bennett would need a chest X-ray, CAT scan and EKG.  Bennett continued to pick up his energy, and soon was excited about the idea of an x-ray on his brain.
Five hours later, we got the all clear.  All of Bennett's tests came back good - no sign of damage or irregularities.  While he was still throwing up, he regained his wit - and even told the EKG tech, as he ripped off the stickers - "Good thing I don't have chest hair, yet, huh??"

All the nurses and doctors commented how how mature and polite and smart he was.  He answered all the questions the doctors asked, even when they were directing the questions toward me.  He was not the least bit scared and did not shed a tear, only did he ask that I scoot my chair next to his bed so we could hold hands.

As for me - I did not cry until I talked to my parents.  While I told them the story, I cried because I was scared, I cried because I was so incredibly grateful that sweet, witty Bennett was perfectly fine, I cried because so many children are not, and I cried because I am once again reminded how much my mom and dad love my sister and me.
"Mom, you better get some pictures.  This will make a great story for the blog." Bennett Daniel Prose 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am SOOO relieved you are OK!!
Hope you are feeling better!

~Rachel D.
