Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday morning began with an "easy fix". AP got right to the leaking tub,
which wouldn't take too long... While the work ensued, colie and I brought the kids on a walk/run around the neighborhood and into the arboretum. Harper is getting pretty good form (much less Phoebe like) and ran ahead encouraging me to hurry up. When she tired, she would stop and stretch and wait for the rest of us.
A few miles later, we returned and found 
the job had become a bit larger than anticipated, with some rotting Sheetrock and poor pipes. As Andy went to Home Depot and back again, we decided granola and cocktails were in order.
And some more outdoor fun.
We helped the plumber when he instructed,
And finally convinced him to take a break for a late lunch and trip to the badger store so we could gather some new gear for the game.
Best part of the weekend for B "watching the Badgers with Colie." And H "making the chalk family" and AP says with a smirky grin "fixing the shower" and for me just being w my favorite sister. And, Jack Dawson. He's pretty much my favorite, too.

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