Tuesday, October 31, 2017

So, I know you have been anxiously awaiting the reveal of the Prose children's Halloween costumes.  Every day, Harper asks "Mom.  Did you tell anyone??" and I respond, "No, Harper.  Not a soul." and she giggles and says, "Guess what?  Me either!!"  Her secret keeping has been quite extraordinary.

Back when we went costume shopping, Harper was certain she wanted to be Wonder Woman.  Or a spy.  Or catwoman.  Or maybe a robber???  (Definitely not a clown or princess.)  We tried on a few different choices, and when the pink skirt was cinched at her waist - we both knew what would be the final decision. 
 I explained to the sweet girl all I knew about the 50's - even showed her a clip from Grease.  She opted to call her costume "An Old School Girl with Muffs".
Bennett was not really sure what he costume he wanted to don this year, and began his research early September.  There were various sites, and cross referencing some prices and estimated shipping dates, but the Boy found a costume that is just "so Bennett" (his words, but truth).  A Yeti carrying a Boy on his shoulders.
There is no other way to descibe it - other than a total gong show getting every one fed, and dressed and ready.  All the while trying to convince the trick or treaters that is WAS COLD OUTSIDE, and they needed to wear a coat!  And, heat up the apple cider, and pour the whiskey and remember extra bags to dump the candy in, and don't forget the handwarmers...  We somehow made it to the driveway by 5:30pm - and the crew started to arrive.  And a Motely Crue it is.

 Wrap up this Halloweenie.

 Oh, and by bedtime, AP had turned into a pilgrim. 

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