Monday, May 29, 2017

Mad-Town in the Springtime is my favorite time.  This trip marked (almost) a year since I traveled solo for surgery support - and while I will spare N the before and after photos,
I was reminded of how grateful I am that I was able to be there for hand holding, medicine distribution and smoothie making.  And, even more grateful that N is a year out, and while she still isn't 100%, she is getting there, one bite at a time.

We had unexpectedly good weather, that turned our indoor plans out - and we added some new items to the agenda, including a campus tour and gluten pizza parlor.  While I wish we were next door neighbors, I do love our Wisco Roadtrips, and my sister (BTW, the movie selections this trip were on point -  "Dirty Dancing" and "Empire Records")

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