Monday, March 7, 2016

Third graders are reading about reducing, reusing and recycling.  Bennett came home with the task to make a creation out of recyclables.  He read the directions and thought about his options.  I suggested that we look for ideas on the internet, to which he responded, "No, Mom!!  We don't need to ask the internet for everything!" Well, alright then.  Good luck with that.

Without searching google, and using all his own ideas and passion, Bennett Daniel decided to create a checker board.  Over the next few days, he gathered the reusables. A Gary's Pizza box, some duct tape, and an endless supply of tonic bottles and bottle caps and toilet paper rolls were used to create his fully functioning checkers board.  (In order to make it school appropriate, it was decided the bottle caps would be spray painted in Sabre blue and silver.)
Bennett's creation, along with his classmates' will be on display this week at the Recycled Art Museum - open before and after next week's music concert.

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