Monday, March 14, 2016

Harps has a new, stylish bob (see previous post about the neighborhood barber).  It is super cute, and she loves to admire it.  The other morning, she said, "I love my haircut.  But, why is it longer on this side?"  (see previous post about the neighborhood barber)  

"Well, Harper.  We can fix that.  At a salon.  Where people get paid to cut hair, professionally..."
"Okey dokey, Mama.  We can do that today."

Okey dokey, Mama???  What?  Is this the weird Twin Gemini speaking?  (we really have to name her...)   See, we have been trying to get Harper to a professional hair cutter for FOUR YEARS.  Yes, four years of having the conversation.  Role playing.  Watching other family members successfully get a trim.  Watching youtube videos of kid haircuts.  We have done. it. all.  Apparently, all it took was her to realize it was a bit uneven, and viola!  Off to the salon we go. (With the brother whispering encouragement and promising to stand "right close by".)

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