Sunday, July 26, 2015

Last week, Harper received a birthday invitation from her friend, Kinzie Cutie.  She was so excited - jumping up and down and clapping and spinning around.  Immediately, she picked out her outfit and a few shoe options (which made me giggle).  We put it on the calendar, and each night counted the sleeps until "MY PARTY!!!!".  Last night, was the eve of Kinzie's birthday party, and it was also when reality set in and Harper decided she wasn't going to go.  Well, she would go if Mama went and stayed the entire time.  I explained that was not going to happen, and we would talk about it in the morning.  And, I got a little teary as I listened to my sweet baby cry herself to sleep, as Andy tried to convince me that she was over tired and would be fine in the morning.

Morning arrived and Harper had not changed her mind.  I snuggled up with her, and we had a little talk - and made a list.

Reasons NOT to go you the party: leaving mama
Reasons TO go to the party:  checking out Kinzie's house, cake, presents, friends, dance party, gift bag, and checking out Kinzie's house (yep, this made the list twice)...

Then, I taught Harps some "get the worries out" breathing techniques (that I had googled the previous night at 3am, while I was up with worry).  Together, we breathed in through our noses and then we breathed all the worries out through our mouth.  We did that a few times, and after the suggestion of curling her hair like Grammy does - Harper was all ready to get dressed.

 Harper had the best time at her bestie's birthday.  There were no tears that  had me cringing at drop off, just the screams as "HARPIE!!!" as we entered the house.

The party ended at 3pm, and H talked the entire four minute drive home.  It was the best party EVER and she wanted to stay longer.  She did not have to use our get-the-worry-out breathing technique at all.  She ran up the stairs, and before I could get up there with some milk and a snack...

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