Friday, June 2, 2017

 Graduation day at ORE.  The boy learned how to tie his own bow tie (because every graduate needs to tie his own tie, mom.) and practiced his speech (because he was selected by his peers to give the graduation address).  He was ready to go, and in true Bennett Prose fashion, he was a bit sentimental.
This kid amazes me every day with his logic and wit and yearning for invention and adult conversation.  He loved his time at Oak Ridge Elementary, and especially remembers his activism and meeting with the principal to share his ideas for problem solving. (Remember the balls that kept popping and the elimination of AR petitions??)  We are so thankful for all his teachers - especially Mrs. Hagen (extensions), Ms. Blumgren (K), Mrs. Fritz (1), Mr. Putz (2), Mrs. Perius (3) and Mrs. Nordby (4).  Each modeled and taught our sweet boy how to think and advocate and problem solve and ask questions.  They challenged him - a few times to the tears of frustration - but with those challenges Bennett learned how to problem solve with grit and tenacity - and question even more. Those questions will get you places - next up Sartell Middle School.

But, for this final day at ORE, the village showed up to support your transtion and your mama secretly wiped your tears.

 Your future is so bright, you gotta wear raybans.

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