Sunday, January 1, 2017

After dinner, we frollicked on the Capital lawn, and went to the hipster barber shop for some craft cocktails.  (I may just move to Madcity because I can bring my kids to the bar, on New Year's Eve, and no one even gives you a side glance...) and back to the hippie house for poppers, dancing and games.

So long, 2016.  It's been real.  I'm not quite sure what 2017 has up her sleeve, and while a part of me is anxious, there are a few things of which I am quite sure.  I know that good will always win, and love will always trump hate.  And, I'm so lucky to be entering this new year surrounded by my biggest lovers. 

 In case you were wondering,  the boys and the Safar sisters made it to midnight.  😏

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