Sunday, February 21, 2016

A weekend with T, and Lo and the Nut - my faves in the city.  There were crafts and museums, cocktail lunch and playdoh and parks, a few tears and tantrums, loads of snuggles and so so much love.  The girls played together like the best friends they are destined to become, and I spent my time being fascinated by  having 3 very different stages of three very different girls all together.  Also, interesting to see Harper in the "big sister" role vs the baby.  (But, you know she crawled on a lap and snuggled in every chance she had...)  Harper loved holding Hazel, and begged to hold her again and again.  Can't say I blame her, I spent a great deal of my weekend with the babe in my arms.

Channeling the OGHW, Vicki Gunvalson, I left with my love tank filled.

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