Grandpa loved the land, and an early
lesson was - if you take care of the land it will take care of you. If I cut
down a tree, I will always plant two more, and if that sky is red at night - I always
know there are some happy sailors on the sea. I am also ready for a long
cold winter this year, because the leaves started falling in our backyard in
Nicole and I spent every day at Grandma
and Grandpa’s house. Grandma would bring
us to school, and Grandpa would pick us up in the little blue pickup. During these years - Grandpa taught us
patience. Only a patient man would sit in front of a TV, eating bologna
sandwiches after school and watching "Dance Party USA" with two
pre-teen girls - every single day. He taught us to read for a
purpose. Each morning, Gramps would slide the paper across the counter and ask Colie and me to read it to him,
because he was "too busy" making lunch for Grandma or puttering in the
kitchen. We would read him articles and he would ask us questions - real
adult questions. We would have conversations about our community and what
was outside the city limits. He would
honestly answer our questions, and at a very early age we began to talk
politics and community action. He would say, "You have to know your
neighbors to help them."
We learned trust, and responsibility.
We biked around the neighborhood and played night-games until it was
dark. But usually, that was preceded with a "don't go out with a wet
head!" or "Nicole, put on some socks under those shoes."
And of course, there were the basic life
skills of putting butter on top of the peanut butter sandwich, so it didn't
stick to your teeth, and if your quonset is on fire, it is completely logical
to pass the fire trucks on the way to the farm – with your shoeless granddaughter
sitting in the front seat, just because she wanted to go, too.
Most importantly, we learned love.
He loved us undeniably and unquestionably - so much that I am pretty sure
I was his favorite.
However, I'm also pretty sure that everyone he loved felt the
same, Grandma, my parents, my sister and cousins – we were all convinced that
we were his favorite. Now, that's a
So, thanks, Grandpa. Thanks for the
lessons - I was listening and I promise to continue to teach them to Bennett
and Harper. Now, go play some cards with
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