Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sunday night, Andy was called into work, because his night person went into labor.  This meant that the poor guy had to work from 11pm-7am (after working all day), and he came home eXhAuStEd.  He lumbered up the stairs, with a bag (of trail mix) in his hand, and under his eyes.  "I'm going to rest.  Just for a few hours, ok?"

He needed the rest, especially if we were going to pick up some pallets for our wall - so I encouraged the kids to play quietly.  And, they did for almost an hour.  when the energy and noise level increased, I suggested we put on our winter gear and get outside.  There was little argument.

For the first 45, we played in and around our yard, gathering ice and making snow-angels.  Then, we decided to hit up Musky Hill.  We walked to the hill, and had it all to ourselves.  The little bit of snow that covered the hill, had a thin icy coating, and it was speedy.  Bennett flew down the slopes, and Harper and I did, too (although our sled kept turning backwards, which elicited screams from the Gnome.)

It was cold, and fun, and when the cheeks started getting too rosy, we trudged back home.

Thankfully, Andy got some rest, and we got our wood.

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