H woke up complaining about her throat hurting. She felt a tinge warm, just a bit. I told her she was fine, gave her a sip of Tylenol (just a sip) and continued on with the morning routine.
Being an elementary teacher, I know kids should not be at school when they are sick. They need rest, they may be contagious, they should be able to sleep, and get plenty of fluids. I even have been known to get annoyed when parents send such kids, and I have to send them to the nurse. Come on, parents. Keep your sick kids home!
But, H was just a tinge warm. And she's always complaining about something hurting. AND, I had to proctor a state mandated online learning assessment today, that no one else on my team had been trained - not to mention the guest author visiting my class and the boy who got glasses the previous night and couldn't wait to show me, and the girl who was sharing her book project!!
I checked in with Ms Kelli at 10:30am, things were ok... Then came the "woke up after nap with a 102* fever" call.
Ok, sweet Harper. We can stay home tomorrow. I won't be "that parent" who sends their kid to school sick - 2 days in a row.
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