Thursday, February 19, 2015

Kylee, Rachel and I headed to our state capital, and had the opportunity to visit with our some state representatives.  In the last election, democrats lost the house majority, which means that all the Reps we spoke with were Republican, and not our friends.  This made from some interesting conversations, cut short by "other meetings", and a flip of the hand motioning us toward the door.

There are some bills hitting the house floor that we really wanted to discuss - in particular House File 2.  One aspect of House File 2 would eliminate teacher tenure, and take away local control during layoffs.  A ranking system would replace senority, and teachers would be given a rank - based on test scores of students, and "some other categories" developed by local school boards.  This is a terrible idea.  My first years of teaching, I was lucky enough to be mentored by some of the best.  If a ranking sytem is in place, why would anyone want to help their colleague?  Ranking systems demoralize and discourage any form of collaboration.  In addition,  my classes are generally "loaded" with kids with special needs.  Not only because I work well with these students and families, but because I have developed a successful relationship with our special education teachers (and they get to decide where their kids go).  If I were ranked based on how these students performed on standardized tests, I would definitely be at the bottom.  These kids are smart - but the standardized tests do not address their strengths.

This bill would also weaken licensing standards, and allow districts to hire "community experts" to be hired, instead of a licensed teacher.  Essentially, a district could choose to hire (literally) anyone, and put that person into a classroom, with no over-site from the state.  You are a loving mom of three?  Sweet - that makes you a "community expert", come on in and teach kindergarten!

I'm fairly certain most of our talking points fell on deaf, elephant ears.  This bill will pass the house and likely the senate.  Fortunately, Governor Dayton will use his mighty power of veto.  And, I also learned why Nicole drinks whiskey. 
Seriously - what a bunch of knuckle heads.

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