Tuesday, October 2, 2018

AP gets the kids ready for school 99% of the time (refer back to the previous post of how awesome the Mister is...)  Because he handles the show in the morning - and I must say he has created a well oiled machine - I am able to get to  get school early.  Which is my most productive time...  Some days, Andy has to leave early, and that leaves me to get the kids on the bus.  I really like these days.  

Harper still gets a little clingy, holding my hand and looking at me with wide eyes as the bus approaches.  She still gives me kisses and hugs before hopping on. 
Bennett chats the entire way to the middle school, I think still relishing in the ability to sit in the front seat.  And, I always wonder "Is today the day?  Will it still happen?" and for the record, as of today, he still gives kisses before entering school - and it's not because I buy him donuts.

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