Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Harper has never been a good sleeper. In fact, I am quite certain the only time I have slept through the the night, since months prior to her birth, was when I was miles and miles away. Even then, I wake up often and remember I don't need to be listening for her door creeping open.

So last night, when I heard her door open, I wasn't surprised. I waiting for her to come in and rub my arm or cheek, waiting for the approval to  to crawl in. But, she didn't. I got up, and found the little gnome - in deep sleep - trying to open the door to the garage. 

Another Prose kid sleep walking phase?!? Say it isn't so!!  Thus, Mama's night was even more sleepless as I thought about all the scenarios of her getting out, no one hearing her as she ended up in the blackness of the garage... I got up 3 more times, just to make sure she was in bed. And, tomorrow, I'm totally barricading the doors.

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