Monday, February 24, 2020

Late late last night, at approximately 7:15pm, the doorbell rang.  Bennett looked at me, I looked at Andy, and Andy looked at the both of us.  (No one looked at Harper, because she obviously was in bed.)  Who on earth was ringing the bell so late??  I said "I'm not getting that - I have my PJs on."  B said, "I'm not getting that - I'm just a kid." and AP heaved the kitties off his lap, slipped on his slippers and headed to the door - already telling who ever it was to go away, because we don't want any.
Was it a salesperson? Nope.
Was it a student fundraiser? Nope.
Was it a robber? Nope.

Guess who??  It was Lucy!!!  And, Lucy had a bag full of Dairy Queen treats for the Prose Family!
Dilly Dilly - best neighbors ever.  You can ring our bell anytime!

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