Monday, January 28, 2019

ProJac Ski Vacation 2019 from my perspective was one of my Top 10 Vacations for sure - and I don't even like to ski.  Isn't that ironic?  Now, I don't hate skiing, but I wouldn't say I enjoy it, yet.  Maybe I will one day.   Maybe I won't.  But,  I promise you, I will continue to put on my snow pants because seeing the joy, determination and happiness through my own eyes is worth it. 💯 

My favorite parts of this long weekend include AP.  And let me tell you, the Mister can ski, and ski well.  Watching Andy swoop around on those slopes was amazing, and it just makes him so happy!  He is a great teacher, so patient with us newbies, giving advice and suggestions - never getting frustrated and not making too much fun.  I also quite enjoyed watching the parenting skills of the Jacobsons, as they masterfully navigated the world of a 5 year old and 3 year old.  There are times I have wished that our kids were the same age - this trip proved that it's pretty great to have them years apart - the big kids entertained the littles and the littles entertained the bigs.  After crashing their family vacation, I loved being welcomed by Joe and K, immediately becoming just a few more members of the ski family. 

And, of course, any time I get to spend extended time with my Bestie, that's my favorite of all. 

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