Sunday, October 9, 2016

The very next day, we decided to try again.  While the kids looked at us with distaste, they were easily convinced when I told the Boy that the new place had an apple cannon and I told the Girl there was glittery face painting.  Repeating our wardrobe of being very outdoorsy, we packed up the newly tuned Volvo and headed to Apple Jack's Orchard.  We arrived just after the doors opened, and it. was. awesome.  For real, we had so much family fun! (And, I promise there is no sarcasm in this statement. Really.)

We completed our first ever Prose Family Corn Maze (which, for the record, I would never ever do again - and never would have gotten out if it hadn't been for the Mister's spot on sense of direction.)

Then, the zip line

and promised apple cannon
and face painting.
 Harper even rode a pony!!  Which was quite shocking, she's just growing up so much... :)

And, a petting zoo, spotting our favorite kinder teacher Mrs. Hurdt, and spending our life savings at the apple bakery - leaving with cookies, and juice and bars and no apples, but plenty of cider.

We will go back.

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