Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Three Bears

WATERPARK!!!  I usually bellow this in my best Chris Farley voice.  Andy Prose and Bennett Prose love the waterpark, like LOVE it.  According to Andy, it's a family winter tradition, so he had to schedule the weekend at Brainerd before the snow melted!  (Which, this year, is likely going to be sometime in July.)  Just so happened, that the best weekend for the waterpark, was the last weekend of Spring Break.  So, Grampy and Grammy met AP in Motley, and he traveled to Brainerd,  Friday afternoon.  I left after work and joined the family at The Three Bears Waterpark.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.

Upon arrival at the park, I found that we had the "sweet" room, with a little bunk for the kids.  This was well worth the extra coinage.

 Friday and Saturday morning was spent running like crazy in the waterpark.  Bennett loved the slides and when the giant bucket of water dumped on the heads of innocent bystanders.  He ran from attraction to attraction, with little notion if anyone was actually paying any attention to him.  Harper was a bit more concerned with her own safety.  She had to have a hand (or better yet, two hands) to hold - no matter where she went.
By Saturday afternoon, every one was pretty much done.  There was a traumatic 90ish minutes of some water in the ears tantrum, but finally they gave in to the exhaustion and slept.

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