Rita and Wes love when the kids all come to play. They have a beautiful river side property with lush gardens, an enormous deck, acres of manicured lawns, tub of toys and outdoor games, and two bedrooms. Two bedrooms for a family of seventeen just doesn't work for overnight excursions. This has been a topic of discussion (and debate) for a few summers, and this year, Andy and his siblings decided to do something about it. Introducing the Prose Family Bungalow...
This two story addition was added to the existing pole shed, and can sleep a family of four on the lower level and a loft full of kids up top. It has power and electric and cushy carpeting. There are bunks and a fold out futon. I'm pretty sure Rita recently added a coffee pot.
The old solarium (hot tub room) was also transformed into a cottage, that will comfortable sleep a(nother) family of four.