Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020 - Bennett Daniel Prose turns 14 today.  Yep, fourteen.  And, we decided to celebrate at home. 😊 You had a few items on your birthday list - snow, distance learning and an old set of encyclopedias. You know we do everything in our power to make your birthday dreams come true. So, beginning next week, we will be full time distance learning, it is currently snowing, and unbeknownst to you, your encyclopedias are on the way. We got you, kid. #myfavoriteoldman

Harper got Bennett a leather bound journal and quill feather pen.  In the journal, she wrote this poem:

A Poem for 14

Happy 14th birthday, Bennett Daniel Prose.

As a present, I will write you a poem, I suppose.

You're the best brother I've ever had, and that makes me very glad.

I like when we are home alone, even if I'm on my phone.

You are so determined and smart.  But, I don't like it when you fart.

You take care of me so well, maybe a new pair of socks would be swell.

Forever I will be your best friend.  And I love you even though this poem ends.

Love, Little Muffin


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