Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend Highlights

Weekend Tops:
1.  Braids.  I am no Aunt Dorothy.  Or Sally.  But, I did my best, and french braided Harp's hair.  She sat "like a statue" and admired those pretty piggies - until, she wanted to twist her hair before nap.
  2.  Gaming with the "big boys".  Bennett loves Maddux and Dom.  Unfortunately, their schedules often don't mesh.  But, this weekend, Maddux was home and took some time to hang out with the boy.  Flappy Bird, anyone?

3.  Outside!!  WE finally got outside for a run.  This was my official first outdoor run, and I even wore running pants and a runner's jacket.  However, it was rather icy in the morning, and that limited my actual running.  Remember, I have weak ankles and calves.  That afternoon, we hit the pavement, yet again, for a bike ride.  (Harper can't really ride her bike, it's more of a "push me!!" down the street.  Her little feet can't quite hit the pedals, yet.  

4.  Taking Turns.  While practicing this skill is on-going, Ricky's strategy this weekend, may have been the best.

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