Thursday, March 20, 2014

Really, mom?

It's official. Bennett Daniel is too old for tub toys. As I ran his bath last night, he climbed in, and I started to get out the toys. He looked at me, and said, "really, mom?" I was taken aback. Really, what??? 

"Mom. I don't want any toys. I'm too old for tub toys."

I'm not sure why, but this was a very significant moment. I have been watching him grow up this year. He is noticeably bigger, eating more and getting so tall. He is responsible and can read and do homework independently. He takes care of his sister and does his chores. 

So, I know he's growing up. But this statement "I'm too old for tub toys." Solidified it for me, and brought tears to my eyes. He doesn't know that I see a little boy in the tub. A little boy who wore scuba gear and caught whales.

I got a towel, set it out on some clean PJs, and smothered that little boy with kisses. "Are you too old for kisses??", I asked.

His big boy face looked at me with little boy eyes, and he replied, "No, mommy. That'll probably never happen."

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