Sartell Schools actually have a real Spring Break - so no ORE and no Ms. Kelli's School of Pre. While Spring Break 2014 consisted of a week of work for AP and me, it was a week at the farm for B & H. Thank goodness Grampy retired, so he and Grammy could take the kids for the whole, EnTiRe week!!!
In Morningstar, it was a quiet, quiet week that pretty much consisted of three things:
It was a good time to reflect on how much I missed those puttering feet, giggles and hugs while they were away. I think we should do it again, next year.
Year 18 of blogging about the Ninja and the Gnome. We continue to laugh more than we cry. Enjoy as the hilarity ensues.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
When I told Bennett that Matt asked to take him snowboarding during our sleepover at Albert, he was so excited he couldn't even speak. Then, he got all Andy Prose-y "Ummm... Yeah, that's a, that'd be, umm.. sure!!!!" Bennett has had never "officially" been snowboarding, just down the little homeade hill in our backyard, so he was pretty excited and nervous for the real deal.
Matt, being the expert snowboarder that he is, had some extra goggles for the boy, and they hit up the slopes. It was a bit chilly (but it is the end of March). They returend a few hours later, and the report was it was "REALLY REALLY fun!!!" and "it'll take some work", and "there were about 100 million wipe-outs!"
Both Matteo and B-bones had a great time, worked hard learning and teaching the art of snowboarding, and were kinda exhausted.
Thanks, Matt. You're pretty awesome.
Matt, being the expert snowboarder that he is, had some extra goggles for the boy, and they hit up the slopes. It was a bit chilly (but it is the end of March). They returend a few hours later, and the report was it was "REALLY REALLY fun!!!" and "it'll take some work", and "there were about 100 million wipe-outs!"
Both Matteo and B-bones had a great time, worked hard learning and teaching the art of snowboarding, and were kinda exhausted.
Thanks, Matt. You're pretty awesome.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Hey, Al!!!
Albert Street prepared itself for a massive overnight (2x) invasion. I packed up the ninja and his snowboarding gear, and the gnome with her copy of "Frozen", and we met Nicole for a weekend at T's. Friday night, Andy the kids and I arrived around 7pm, and had dinner and Andy fell asleep. Nicole arrived around 8pm, and T and Matt around 10pm. Funny how the owners arrived last...
We ate and drank and played and read and created some masterpieces under Harper's direction.
Can you guess who's drawing belongs to whom?
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Really, mom?
It's official. Bennett Daniel is too old for tub toys. As I ran his bath last night, he climbed in, and I started to get out the toys. He looked at me, and said, "really, mom?" I was taken aback. Really, what???
"Mom. I don't want any toys. I'm too old for tub toys."
I'm not sure why, but this was a very significant moment. I have been watching him grow up this year. He is noticeably bigger, eating more and getting so tall. He is responsible and can read and do homework independently. He takes care of his sister and does his chores.
So, I know he's growing up. But this statement "I'm too old for tub toys." Solidified it for me, and brought tears to my eyes. He doesn't know that I see a little boy in the tub. A little boy who wore scuba gear and caught whales.
I got a towel, set it out on some clean PJs, and smothered that little boy with kisses. "Are you too old for kisses??", I asked.
His big boy face looked at me with little boy eyes, and he replied, "No, mommy. That'll probably never happen."
Monday, March 17, 2014
Pot of Gold
A little leprechaun stopped by our house. He vacuumed, and cleaned the stove, and watered the plants, and put a boat load of toys away! We love that little prankster. He also left the kiddos pots of gold (candy!!) 🍀 *see post in regards to Harper's bodily response to cotton candy. *
Family date night at ORE included several games of bingo. Unfortunately, we didn't hit the jackpot this year. Poor Benito was so so so sure he would win, and as the night progressed, and the chances decreased, he got sadder and sadder. It didn't help that he was tired, and battling a wicked cough.
Harper then got her hands on a giant ream of cotton candy. This was not a good idea. Let me repeat "this was not a good idea". She quickly hopped the train to Crazy Town. And, after the sugar was taken away, she arrived in Meltdown City.
Harper then got her hands on a giant ream of cotton candy. This was not a good idea. Let me repeat "this was not a good idea". She quickly hopped the train to Crazy Town. And, after the sugar was taken away, she arrived in Meltdown City.

Needless to say, Andy and I drove home with two sobbing children. He smiled at me and said, "Great date night, honey. Let's do it again, next year. Or not."
Lucky 7

We made it!! Our goal was to not die or walk, and we were successful in both. Twelve thousand people ran the Lucky 7k, and it was quite the sea of green.
One official race down. Oh yeah, and my nails are long enough for some paint. Take that, New Year's Resolutions.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Weekend Highlights
Weekend Tops:
1. Braids. I am no Aunt Dorothy. Or Sally. But, I did my best, and french braided Harp's hair. She sat "like a statue" and admired those pretty piggies - until, she wanted to twist her hair before nap.
2. Gaming with the "big boys". Bennett loves Maddux and Dom. Unfortunately, their schedules often don't mesh. But, this weekend, Maddux was home and took some time to hang out with the boy. Flappy Bird, anyone?
4. Taking Turns. While practicing this skill is on-going, Ricky's strategy this weekend, may have been the best.
1. Braids. I am no Aunt Dorothy. Or Sally. But, I did my best, and french braided Harp's hair. She sat "like a statue" and admired those pretty piggies - until, she wanted to twist her hair before nap.
2. Gaming with the "big boys". Bennett loves Maddux and Dom. Unfortunately, their schedules often don't mesh. But, this weekend, Maddux was home and took some time to hang out with the boy. Flappy Bird, anyone?
3. Outside!! WE finally got outside for a run. This was my official first outdoor run, and I even wore running pants and a runner's jacket. However, it was rather icy in the morning, and that limited my actual running. Remember, I have weak ankles and calves. That afternoon, we hit the pavement, yet again, for a bike ride. (Harper can't really ride her bike, it's more of a "push me!!" down the street. Her little feet can't quite hit the pedals, yet.
4. Taking Turns. While practicing this skill is on-going, Ricky's strategy this weekend, may have been the best.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The ninja's had enough of this weather, just like everyone else. It's march first, and, for yet another weekend, we are stuck inside with more sub zero temps.
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