Monday, November 7, 2011

Get on your feet, little girl.

Darling Harper has been walking on her knees for almost 6 weeks.  At her year check up, we were even referred to PT.  The PT department had a few possible reasons for her knee walking: unusually small feet in proportion to the rest of her body, being born into a family of late walkers, speed (she's really fast on her knees).  I was not worried by her knee walking, just a little annoyed with telling her to get on her feet.  Harper can bear weight on those little tiny feet, and walk behind push toys and around furniture.  To me, it seemed she was just choosing the quickest mode of transportation.

October 17, 2011 was a day like any other - until I picked up the kids after school.  I almost fell to my KNEES, when Harper walked up to me on her FEET!!! 
 Just another reason to go to school, kids. 

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