Monday, September 12, 2011

Are you kidding me?

Nope.  No joke.  This was my first challenge:  getting all this stuff in the appropriate place.  I was stunned when I first saw the garage.  I thought I had organized and packed well.  Due to the extreme heat in our rented storage unit, several of the well organized and labeled boxes had collapsed.  We had a mess of mixed up boxes and rooms.

There were two Life Savers these first two weeks of the move.  1.  Ms. Kelli offered to take the kids, full time, two weeks early.  This allowed time to actually work on the house, without kids.  2.  Terrin was between projects, which was life-saver #2, as that allowed her to come stay with us.  Yes, stay.

Day One of Garage:
 Major Progress?

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