Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You're going to pack that????

Packing has been quite the experience.  Recently, I found out that Bennett thought we had to leave all our stuff in the house, and we had to replace it with all stuff in the new house.  After I set him straight, the transition seems much smoother.  Bennett even "helped" pack, by selecting what toys he NEEDED to keep out of any boxes.  I purchased a tub, and told him he could put whatever he wanted in the tub, and I would not pack it.  But, when the tub was full, everything else would be placed in a box (or Goodwill.  shhhhhhh).

Over the past few weeks, I've been packing and AP has been hauling boxes and furniture to storage.  We have limited resources, but we are resourceful!!  Nightly picnics on the floor and hiding in empty boxes seems to keep us all entertained.

 closing on house #1 July 29
two weeks at the hotel
closing on #2 August 11.

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