Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hotel. Motel. Holiday Inn.

This was our theme song for roughly 3 1/2 weeks in July.  We had the luxury of staying at the Holiday Inn Express.  People often gave me looks of sympathy, and expressed concern about how difficult it would be to live in a hotel, with two little kids.  I, however, must disagree.  I strongly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to shack up in a hotel (in particular, a Holiday Inn) for an extended time, to do it!!  

We didn't just stay in any room.  We had a three room suite, with a kitchenette.  We had two large bedrooms.  Harper had her own bed and bath room.  AP, the boy and I shared the other room.  AP and Bennett slept in one bed, and I had the other.  It worked out rather well for the Prose Family.
Two of Three Rooms - a pretty typical day at the HOME-tel.  Not sure where the kids are...

We also had access to a swimming pool, hot tub, continental breakfast - and McDonald's was right across the street.  I will always have fond memories of our stay, and I can't thank the staff enough.  I wonder if the cats would agree...

Home-tel.  Motel.  Holiday Inn.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You're going to pack that????

Packing has been quite the experience.  Recently, I found out that Bennett thought we had to leave all our stuff in the house, and we had to replace it with all stuff in the new house.  After I set him straight, the transition seems much smoother.  Bennett even "helped" pack, by selecting what toys he NEEDED to keep out of any boxes.  I purchased a tub, and told him he could put whatever he wanted in the tub, and I would not pack it.  But, when the tub was full, everything else would be placed in a box (or Goodwill.  shhhhhhh).

Over the past few weeks, I've been packing and AP has been hauling boxes and furniture to storage.  We have limited resources, but we are resourceful!!  Nightly picnics on the floor and hiding in empty boxes seems to keep us all entertained.

 closing on house #1 July 29
two weeks at the hotel
closing on #2 August 11.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thirty Nine Years

Happy 39!!
Thanks for getting married, mom and dad.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Prose Family Fourth of July

Between road trips, and packing, wedding preparations for KT and Belle, and AP's crazy work schedule - we were finally able to make itto Prose Family Fun Day.  The Fourth of July party at river has evolved from hundreds of people and port-a-potties, to jumping castles and slip-n-slides.  Strangely enough, the packing for the weekend remains the same...
 The family was there in full force (minus the Krueger Clan), and the kids literally ran from sun up to sun down.  This was the best year yet, as the kids are old enough to play together,  and the babies still little enough to sleep the day away.  We spent the days on the pontoon, swimming and diving and jumping.

The evenings brought us up to the deck for incredible (totally legal) fireworks, smores by the fire and non-toxic bug spray.

I could go into detail about the "ohhhhs" and "ahhhhs", but this says it all.  Love those kids.