Wednesday, June 8, 2011

one year ago today...

True story about one year ago today, I went to see my favorite doctor.  It was my 37 week appointment.  I was scheduled to deliver a baby, via C-Section in roughly 3 weeks.  I was super excited to see my doc, and was quite positive she was about to admit me to the hospital immediately, and deliver the baby.  I was so ready, and I was certain she would have some big numbers for me.

Nope.  Nothing.  Like not even a fraction of a one.  Doctor Regan informed me that all was good, but I was not showing any signs of having a baby any time soon.  She told me she would see me at next week's appointment, but it looked like this baby, unlike the brother, was patient. 

I was devastated.  I cried on my way to the car - cried like people stopped and asked me if I needed help.  "No thank you," I responded with tears pouring down my cheeks, "we are all good."  I called AP and cried.  I called my sister and cried.  I called my mom and cried.  I emailed Renae & T and cried.  I texted Shelly and cried.  I could not believe I had it so incredibly wrong, anymore than I could believe that I had to be pregnant for three more weeks!

Then, I realized the crying was not helping, and quite frankly I was about out of tears.  I sat on the couch and I recited my petition.  "Dear God, Mother Nature and the Universe - this is my formal request.   I need my baby's birthday to be tomorrow.  Thank you."

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