Thursday, October 15, 2020

Unfortunately, the message heard 'round the world is a story of negative events that seem to have taken over the year of 2020.  However, there is so many wonderful things that have happened.  I'd like to introduce, Felix the Fish House.
The story goes something like this:  For YEARS, AP has been talking about purchasing an Ice Castle.  We have stopped "just to look" at them several times.  It has been on birthday and Christmas lists - even letters to Santa.I have listened to the persuasive arguments, and financial plans on countless occasions.  
On one such occasion in late September, I'd had enough.  
I looked at my husband and said, "Please just go  and BUY A DAMN FISHOUSE."
Silence, then a whisper, "Really?"
"Yes, really."
The very next day, one was ordered and 8 weeks later - Felix arrived.
Why is this wonderful, you may ask?  Those who know me, know my level of out-doorsy-ness is that I like to drink on patios....  This is wonderful because I have never seen Andy Prose more excited in my entire life.  His happy makes me happy.
And, I love a good fish fry.


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