Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1st is always marked in stars on the calendar becuase it's Colie's birthday!  But, this year, it is also Open House for 5th Graders.  Yep, it's been officially decided that grades k-5 will return in the model of FTF2F.  (Of course the educators needed an acronym...). This means students will be in building full time (5 days a week) face to face.  They will have full classes - wearing masks and distancing "as much as possible".  🙄 We signed up for a 15 minute time slot and Harper was able to bring one grown up.  I was excited to go and see her room - which is right down the hall from me!  It's going to be a weird year, but we are looking forward to getting back in the building - for now.

Later that evening, we had the best Zoom Happy Hour of the year - celebrating our one and only.  Monica, Mel and Fred, Lewis, and Matea joined the crew - and honestly - I haven't laughed that long in a long time.  Lewis definitely needs to write a book, or have a reality show.  Happiest of birthdays to my one & only 👯‍♀️. This zoom mtg should be regular and mandatory. 

#70lbcat #noyoucanthugme #text911 #pineconeborder #sisters


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