Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Continuous water damage, and several - although genius - failed at home remedies - we finally called in the experts to insert some drain tile in the basement.  So, demo began and inspiration sprung.  Considering we already have the walls exposed - it seems like the ideal time to add a bathroom!  
I mean, what else do we have to do, right?


Thursday, September 24, 2020

It’s been a tough couple of weeks. When they ran today, they ran for Rustie, and we know know he is proud.

💙 #cc #runforrustie #anotherraceanotherpr #thosehillsthough

Friday, September 18, 2020

My broken heart is so grateful for RBG. Every moment, every decision, every breath mattered. #notoriousrbg
2020 - you've gotta stop. I can't handle much more. Rest in Power, RBG. 

HNP as RBG (click view)


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Dress up day for cross country.  This kid nailed it.  Run, Bennett, run!


Saturday, September 12, 2020

 This global pandemic has really put a hold on seeing (and hugging) those we love the most.  But, because we love them the most, we will continue to love from a distance. Soon, Papa and Grandma, we will be able to be suffocated by your giant hugs.  Soon. xoxo

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Bennett's first day of school finally arrived!  And, he only had to go for a few hours, because it was also his first CC meet.  He rocked both.  (Who woulda thought I'd ever be a sport mom?? 😆)


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First day of school - for Harper and me.  It feels different, but so good to be back!  We both had a toss-y night of sleep, and up early to prepare for the day.  It's going to be a great year (although, likely a wild ride).  H's learning plan includes arriving to school prepared, begin playing the violin, make new friends and see the old. My teaching plan is to love them up for as long as I can have them, and teach them all the technology I can to help prepare for the inevitable Distance Learning.

By far, the very best and most exciting part of this year, is that Harper and I get to be in the same building!!  And, I get to see her sweet face and give her a quick squeeze when we pass in the hall. 

One day at a time.


Monday, September 7, 2020

                                Twas the night before school started
when all through the town
the parents were cheering
it was a riotous sound.

By eight the kids were washed
and tucked into bed
when memories of homework
filled them with dread.

New pencils, new folders, new notebooks too,
new teachers, new friends, the anxiety grew.
The parents just giggled when they heard of this fright
and shouted upstairs-GO TO BED-IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT!


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Big D strikes again.  He arrived with a little smile, and said "Hey, I made you guys something." And, that something is a beautiful wood burned sign for our favorite little outdoor spot.  
"Where music gets played, and memories made...  
Where marshmallows are roasted
And we all get toasted."
We love you, Big D!  Our fire pit would be a bore without you.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

So - this is the kind of stuff I'm ordering on Amazon these days...


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Another night, another Open House!  Bennett will also be headed back to school, however grades 6-12 will be following a "hybrid" model.  Students are grouped, alphabetically, by last name.  The BLUES and the SILVERS.  Being a "Prose", Bennett falls into the SILVER group.  This means that Bennett will attend school, in building, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  He will attend school virtually on Monday, Tuesday, Friday.  He is quite excited about this plan, knowing that he will get to learn from home - and have the house all to himself, 3 days a week!  I know he will be successful, and am thankful for his motivation to do well in school and ability to prepare his own lunch. 😊 
We had to stop by and see the beloved Mrs. Kellor.  Bennett made her a flock of wodden yellow ducks, scripted with the saying "Get your ducks in a row."  This teacher has been such an integral force on Bennett's education, and incredibly inspiring to me as an educator.  She's Bennett's hero, and I want to be her when I grow up.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1st is always marked in stars on the calendar becuase it's Colie's birthday!  But, this year, it is also Open House for 5th Graders.  Yep, it's been officially decided that grades k-5 will return in the model of FTF2F.  (Of course the educators needed an acronym...). This means students will be in building full time (5 days a week) face to face.  They will have full classes - wearing masks and distancing "as much as possible".  🙄 We signed up for a 15 minute time slot and Harper was able to bring one grown up.  I was excited to go and see her room - which is right down the hall from me!  It's going to be a weird year, but we are looking forward to getting back in the building - for now.

Later that evening, we had the best Zoom Happy Hour of the year - celebrating our one and only.  Monica, Mel and Fred, Lewis, and Matea joined the crew - and honestly - I haven't laughed that long in a long time.  Lewis definitely needs to write a book, or have a reality show.  Happiest of birthdays to my one & only 👯‍♀️. This zoom mtg should be regular and mandatory. 

#70lbcat #noyoucanthugme #text911 #pineconeborder #sisters

