Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thanks, Papa and Grandma for providing the perfect island space to carve the Prose Family Pumpkins!  The research was done on the ride over, and Harps decided that she would create a pumpkin person.  This (yet again) turned the conversation to snow, which lead to winter, with ended up with the upcoming ski season.
Bennett said he was going to create a VW van.  This lead to a conversation about a road trip, that led to Colorado, that ended up with the upcoming ski season.  (Yes, they are quite excited to get up on the hill.  Any hill.)
This year, also marks the first year that Harper carved her entire pumpkin(s), all by herself.  In the past, we (and when I say "we", I mean "AP") gets her started, and then scoops out the middle, and then assists with the final steps.  That little girl is just all grown up, doing the solo scooping.

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