Friday, May 31, 2019

We made it, kids.  The last day of school.  There were tears in their eyes.  Both B & H love school, and their teachers and will miss seeing their friends on the daily.  I wiped their tears, and gave them all kinds of love - all the while thinking "Come on!!!  Get it together!!  It's SUMMERTIME!!!"  We are pretty lucky to have kids who love school, and even luckier to have teachers who love our kids.  
So proud of you, Bennett.  This year you participated in student council, speech, genius team, spanish and theater.  You designed your own restaurant, and showed a ton of perseverance (especially on those weekly math challenges).  You were a good friend, and made many new ones this year.  You continued to demonstrate effective listening skills, and were a thoughtful student - even stopping to buy your favorite teacher ranch dressing, because she loves it so.  This summer, you plan to run 300 miles, read "who knows how many" books, march in the band and volunteer in a Summer of Service program.
So proud of you, Harps.  This year, you really did shine academically and socially.  You gave several speeches, and I loved being your practice audience.  You shared your love of sewing, and art through your passion projects.  You were such a great friend - often times choosing to help your friends, even though you still had work to finish.  You loved your teacher so so much, and was always writing her notes and picking up chocolates to sneak onto her desk.  You even accomplished your goal of getting Daddy to chaperone your trip to the MN Zoo! This summer, you plan to take ballet and tennis lessons.  You are excited about all the parades we get to attend, and swimming at Mermaid Cove. 
 So bring it, Summertime!!  We are ready for ya!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Argh.  I just hate it when I get emails from Bennett's teacher.

Good evening,

With the school year coming to an end, I just wanted to take a minute and recognize Bennett!  He is such an incredible kid!  Academically, Bennett has high expectations for himself and consistently exceeds them.  He is not afraid to put in the effort to be the best he can be.  Aside from being a fabulous student, he is an all-around wonderful kid.  He has the personality that draw other students to him.  He is charismatic, genuine, and someone who sets a great example for others.  I appreciate Bennett’s consistent positive attitude and the fact that his laugh is absolutely contagious.  I’ve loved being able to learn alongside Bennett this year – he is one in a million!

Have a great night,
Sarah Hornseth
6th Grade Teacher

Just kidding.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

We snuck over to the neighbor's house, with the fancy scissors, and cut lilacs for our vases.  I told the kids how Colie and I would do this every spring.  Harper said they smelled so good, and she wanted a vase in every single room.  I agreed - they smell just like home.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Day weekend was not spent at the lake.  It was spent beginning demolition of the Prose Family Kitchen.  Before.

 We enlisted all the help we could find to clean out the front room, and after putting on the appropriate safety goggles, the walls started coming down.

 As soon as Tommy found out there was a wall removal in process, he hopped in his car and speed over.  We appreciated his help, and height.  In a few short hours, we were looking at some wide open spaces.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

It's the Ray Family birthday extravaganza weekend!  Friday, we met up with Kylee and crew to celebrate her trip around the sun.  Saturday, we connected again to sing to Jace!  

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dad texted me and said that he and Dave were headed out way to do some ancestry study at the Stearns County Historical Museum.  He wondered if we would be available for burgers.  There was no need to even think about that request - because who wouldn't want to have burgers with three (Yes, there are 3 old men in the above picture.  The shortest one even took notes, as the two taller ones shared all they had learned from their research.) old men and one little girl?  Sign me up!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

 Saturday, May 4th is the date of Bennett's first girl/boy gathering.  It seemed obvious that we should take some pictures to remember this day.
 The Boy was all smiles when he left, and when he returned home, as well. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

We've been talking about a kitchen remodel for 3 years.  We been talking and talking and talking.  It finally is time for some action.  And so it begins...