We made it, kids. The last day of school. There were tears in their eyes. Both B & H love school, and their teachers and will miss seeing their friends on the daily. I wiped their tears, and gave them all kinds of love - all the while thinking "Come on!!! Get it together!! It's SUMMERTIME!!!" We are pretty lucky to have kids who love school, and even luckier to have teachers who love our kids. 
So proud of you, Bennett. This year you participated in student council, speech, genius team, spanish and theater. You designed your own restaurant, and showed a ton of perseverance (especially on those weekly math challenges). You were a good friend, and made many new ones this year. You continued to demonstrate effective listening skills, and were a thoughtful student - even stopping to buy your favorite teacher ranch dressing, because she loves it so. This summer, you plan to run 300 miles, read "who knows how many" books, march in the band and volunteer in a Summer of Service program.So proud of you, Harps. This year, you really did shine academically and socially. You gave several speeches, and I loved being your practice audience. You shared your love of sewing, and art through your passion projects. You were such a great friend - often times choosing to help your friends, even though you still had work to finish. You loved your teacher so so much, and was always writing her notes and picking up chocolates to sneak onto her desk. You even accomplished your goal of getting Daddy to chaperone your trip to the MN Zoo! This summer, you plan to take ballet and tennis lessons. You are excited about all the parades we get to attend, and swimming at Mermaid Cove.
So bring it, Summertime!! We are ready for ya!