Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dolson joined our family the Spring of 2002.  Immediately, I was his second favorite - with Pike being his #1.  Dolson followed me around whenever I was home - which fortunately for him was as much as possible.  Often times, we would find him sleeping in the tightest space he could squeeze his furry body into.  He loved to quench his thirst from the faucet, and jump on tables and bookshelves.  He loved Bennett and Harper, trying to sneak outside and eating fresh flowers.  He loved sleeping on my head, and I loved him so much that I let it happen, every single night.  But, he loved his best friend the most.  Dolson's health quickly deteriorated after the loss of the Black Unicorn.   And, he decided to join his companion on April 30, 2019.  Thanks for choosing me as your favorite human.  Rest easy, Orange Kitty.  Rest easy.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

This guy loves a good fire, and I love him.  
Welcome to Morningstar, Springtime.  We've been waiting...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The beautiful white Prius arrived just in time to head to Rose Lake for our annual Easter celebration.  Grammy was all prepared with eggs and dye and glitter!  We loaded up the eggs.  Grammy originally thought the kids could enjoy doing this, but Bennett said it was kinda like making him wrap his own birthday presents, so Grampy and I did the stuffing, and AP and I did the hiding.   It really was a beautiful weekend, filled with my favorite people, great food, and after dinner walks.  

Friday, April 19, 2019

It took time, persistence, discussion, and maybe even a vision or two.  But, finally I get to park this pearly jem in my garage.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Meet Elle the Recycled Elephant 
(Thank goodness we keep all those issues of the Warren Sheaf.)
Harps did all the planning and crafting herself - just asking me to "supervise" (ie: sit and watch and help clean up).  She did a great job of time and task management.  She marked the due date on the calendar, then decided to complete a bit of the project each day - leaving one day "just in case" she needed more time.   Elle turned out excellent.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ninety times around the sun.  If that's not a reason to celebrate, I don't know what is!!  We packed up the 2 cars, 2 kids and one sister and headed north.  Making a pitstop at Rose to get Grampy, we continued on our way to NorthStar Assisted Living in Warren.  I think Grandma was worried no one would show up, but she was wrong.  If you throw the party, they will come.  It was fun to see so many familiar faces, and while it was exhausting, I think Grandma had a great time.  We did, too!!  

Except I got the flu and ended up sleeping the entire way home, and struggling to just crawl under the covers to sleep the next 15 hours...  We will try to forget that part, and just remember the birthday girl.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Oak Ridge Elementary Art Show did not disappoint.  Kudos to Mrs. Olson for not only teaching art to so many little artists, but making sure each student had several pieces of art to share!  There was art hanging on the walls, and displayed in cases, and on tables.  Art was everywhere!  Harper's pieces included a very special pinch pot in memory of our beloved Pike.

Today is also Great Grandma's 90th birthday!!  We can't wait to head north to celebrate this weekend!
